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China's Cargo, Container Throughput Rise in Jan.-Oct.

Cargo and container throughput at China's ports registered stable growth in the first ten months of the year, data from the Ministry of Transport showed.From January to October, cargo throughput at China's ports totaled 12.87 billion tonnes, up 7.8 percent year on year, according to the mini

China's Daily Crude Steel Output Further Decreases in October

China's average daily crude steel output in October 2021 hit a record low since 2018 amid the country's bid to cut carbon emissions and gear up green transformation of the steel industry, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).Last month, China's crude st

Galvanized Steel Pipe--Ready to Export with Waterproof Packaging

Galvanized steel pipe--ready to export with waterproof packaging.Tianjin Teni Import & Export Co.,ltd was founded on 2010. It is close to Tianjin Xingang port. The geographical position is superior, the traffic is very convenient.The company now has over 100 employees, including more than

China's Import Expo Bolsters Belt and Road Cooperation

One week before the fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) kicked off, a China-Europe freight train arrived in Shanghai from Hamburg, Germany, completing its first roundtrip on the new route.It was also the first time that CIIE exhibits had been transported via the freight-train service for i

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